Using ImageMagick to Optimize and Transform Images for the Web
Learn how to use ImageMagick, a command-line utility, to optimize and transform images. This post covers a range of commands and options. Explore the capabilities of ImageMagick and improve your skills for design and development projects.
Adding Netlify CMS to 11ty
Towards the end of 2021 I rebuilt my website using the static site generator 11ty. The source files are hosted on GitHub then built and deployed using Netlify. Currently, adding content to my website means I have to create markdown files and push updates to a GitHub repository.
Yet another website rebuild - 11ty
So I decided to rebuild my website... I've stuck to the Jamstack but this time I've decided to use the static site generator Eleventy. In this post I wanted to cover how I came to this decision and what my initial thoughts of 11ty are.